Infinity Goalie – Custom Goalie Sticks
Infinity Goalie may be a relatively new name in the market, but their sticks look to be a solid alternative to some of the big brands out there.
Their offering is a custom goalie stick with the idea that your setup is not complete without a custom stick to match your pads. If you’re going for a specific look with the pads, you might as well take it one step further and have your stick match, right?
There are two stick options you can choose from when ordering, a classic foam core stick, or an advanced foam core stick. The classic foam core starts at $115 (CAD) per stick, but are offered in packs of 3 or 6. The advanced foam core starts at $130 (CAD) per stick, and can be purchased in the same 3 or 6 pack of sticks.
Infinity Goalie sticks are Canadian designed and Canadian built, so you know you’re getting a quality product. Plus, they offer free shipping to all Canadian customers. If you’re in the U.S., a flat-rate shipping fee will apply.
Turnaround time on your custom goalie stick is typically around 5 weeks. The sticks are built to last too, using a strong reinforced blade for extra durability.
Check out InfinityGoalie.com for more information on these custom goalie sticks, or to order yours today.
August 27, 2015 - 1:55 pm
So are they actually building these sticks or did they reach out to an existing stick builder and set up something?
Infinity Goalie
August 28, 2015 - 3:20 pm
Hey Matt,
We can’t disclose too much for confidentiality reasons, but we’ve teamed up with a reputable Canadian manufacturer.
Infinity Goalie