Corey Crawford CCM Premier Setup - Black

September 2, 2015 by Matt

Corey Crawford’s CCM Premier Setup

Today, CCM unveiled Corey Crawford’s new setup featuring the CCM Premier Goalie Pads, Premier Glove, and Premier Blocker.

The new setup is primarily black, featuring red accents and a bit of white for the CCM branding as well. There was also an additional setup featured in some of the pictures which many are speculating could be the actual pads Crawford ends up wearing this season. Those pads are primarily white with red and black accents.

Last season, Crawford wore the Reebok Premier XLT pads in a color scheme and design very similar to the white pads below.

Check out Corey Crawford’s new CCM Premier setup below, both the black and white versions, and let us know which one you like better and would rather see him wear!

Corey Crawford CCM Premier Setup - Black

Corey Crawford CCM Premier Setup - White

#CCM Premier Goalie Pads#Corey Crawford


  1. KaraokeGoalie
    September 8, 2015 - 8:19 am

    (opening guitar riff from AC/DC’s ‘Back In Black’)…Black: better & bad-ass!!

    Crawford should absolutely rock the black gear setup! Would look great with his black mask.

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